In-Context Retrieval-Augmented Language Modeling (RALM)

By 397 words2 min read

Published on 17 June 2023.


Language modeling has made huge strides in the field of generating text that’s coherent and relevant to the context. However, it’s no secret that one of the biggest challenges we face is generating content that’s factually accurate. Fortunately, researchers have come up with a powerful solution called Retrieval-Augmented Language Modeling (RALM) that uses external knowledge sources to improve the quality of generated text. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the fascinating world of RALM and explore an alternative approach called In-Context RALM that offers some incredible benefits without requiring any modifications to the language model architecture. Exciting stuff, right? Let’s dig in!

Understanding RALM:

Retrieval-Augmented Language Modeling (RALM) is an innovative approach that enhances the language generation process by incorporating relevant documents from a grounding corpus. By conditioning the language model on these external sources, RALM mitigates the issue of generating factually inaccurate text. Existing RALM approaches typically involve modifying the language model architecture, which can complicate deployment. However, recent advancements have explored an under-explored alternative: In-Context RALM.

In-Context RALM:

The in-context RALM is certainly a simpler alternative. In-Context RALM builds upon the foundation of RALM but eliminates the need for modifying the language model architecture. Instead, it focuses on prepending grounding documents to the input text. By doing so, In-Context RALM leverages off-the-shelf general-purpose retrievers to provide surprisingly large language modeling gains.

The Benefits of In-Context RALM:

One of the key advantages of In-Context RALM is its compatibility with existing language models, even those that cannot be modified or accessed via API. This makes it a practical solution for various deployment scenarios. By integrating relevant grounding documents, In-Context RALM significantly improves the language model’s performance in terms of factual accuracy and coherence.

Experimental Findings:

Researchers conducted experiments using In-Context RALM on five diverse corpora: WikiText-103, RealNews, and three datasets from The Pile. They utilized open-source language models ranging from 110M to 6B parameters. The results were impressive, demonstrating substantial gains in language modeling performance equivalent to increasing the model’s parameter size by 2-3 times. For example, a 345M parameter GPT-2 model enhanced by In-Context RALM outperformed a 762M parameter GPT-2 model when employing an off-the-shelf BM25 retriever. Furthermore, incorporating trained LM-oriented rerankers led to additional gains in performance.


In-Context Retrieval-Augmented Language Models

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