CNAPP vs CSPM: Key Differences and Uses

By 556 words3 min read

An artistic visual comparison between CNAPP (Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform) and CSPM (Cloud Security Posture Management) as superheroes, standing on opposite sides and showcasing their powers and tools in a futuristic cloud computing landscape.

CNAPP vs CSPM: Key Differences and Uses

As businesses increasingly migrate to the cloud, ensuring the security of their cloud infrastructure and services has become paramount. This has given rise to various specialized tools and frameworks designed to safeguard cloud environments. Among these, Cloud Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP) and Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) are two prominent solutions. While both are essential in the cloud security ecosystem, they serve different purposes and offer unique functionalities. Understanding the key differences and uses of CNAPP and CSPM is crucial for organizations looking to secure their cloud-native applications and infrastructure effectively.

What is CNAPP?

Cloud Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP) is a comprehensive security solution designed to protect cloud-native applications throughout their lifecycle. CNAPP consolidates multiple security tools and practices to provide a holistic approach to cloud application security. It encompasses the protection of the application code, configurations, runtime environments, and infrastructure. CNAPP leverages automation and integrates seamlessly with CI/CD pipelines, facilitating continuous security assessment and enforcement from development to deployment and runtime.

Key Features of CNAPP

  • Application Security: CNAPP covers security aspects related to application development, including static and dynamic code analysis.
  • Infrastructure Security: It includes security posture assessment and protection of the cloud infrastructure services and configurations.
  • Runtime Protection: CNAPP monitors applications in real-time, detecting and responding to threats, anomalies, and malicious activities.
  • Compliance Management: It ensures that cloud applications comply with regulatory standards and best practices.

What is CSPM?

Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) is a security tool focused on identifying and mitigating risks associated with cloud infrastructure configurations. CSPM automates the detection of misconfigurations and compliance violations in cloud environments. It helps organizations enforce security best practices, such as the principle of least privilege and encryption of sensitive data. CSPM solutions provide continuous monitoring and automatic remediation recommendations, enabling businesses to maintain a strong security posture in their cloud environments.

Key Features of CSPM

  • Misconfiguration Detection: CSPM continuously scans cloud environments to identify configuration errors that could expose resources to potential breaches.
  • Compliance Monitoring: It assesses cloud environments against regulatory standards and security frameworks to ensure compliance.
  • Security Best Practice Enforcement: CSPM provides recommendations for hardening cloud environments based on industry best practices.
  • Risk Assessment: It evaluates the severity of identified risks, allowing organizations to prioritize remediation efforts.

Key Differences between CNAPP and CSPM

The primary difference between CNAPP and CSPM lies in their scope and focus. CNAPP provides a broader security coverage that extends beyond cloud infrastructure to include application code, runtime protection, and compliance across the entire development and deployment lifecycle. In contrast, CSPM is more narrowly focused on the security posture of cloud infrastructure configurations and compliance.

In brief, CSPM is a crucial component of the broader CNAPP framework. While CSPM specializes in identifying and rectifying misconfigurations and compliance violations in cloud setups, CNAPP encompasses these capabilities and extends further to secure cloud-native applications from code to runtime.


Both CNAPP and CSPM play vital roles in ensuring the security of cloud environments. The choice between CNAPP and CSPM—or the decision to implement both—depends on the specific needs and structure of an organization’s cloud environment. By understanding the key differences and uses of CNAPP and CSPM, organizations can better strategize their cloud security measures, protecting their data and applications against an ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats.


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